Use the instructions in this article to backup Chief Architect content in the event a computer malfunction occurs. Additionally, it's helpful to have this same content backed up so that it can be transferred to another computer.
Learn how to install core content, along with bonus and manufacturer catalogs, by following the instructions in this article.
Learn how to restore your Chief Architect program, and all of your User Content by following the instructions in this resource.
Paintings, prints, and photographs are materials that can be applied to wall and desk frames found in the Library Browser.
Learn how to add a custom image for use in a picture frame, a desktop wallpaper, or a painting.
Home Designer comes with many tools to help you design an HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) system for your home.
Restoring the size and position of any of these side windows in Home Designer is easy using Reset Options within Preferences.
A variety of electrical objects, such as fans and light fixtures, are available in the Library Browser.
The preview panels can be toggled on and off in the Library Browser. Read more to learn how to toggle the previews, as well as how to reset the size and position of the Library.
Place vehicles and toolboxes to create a Garage Shop Space.
Import 3D symbols in the following file formats: .obj, .3ds, and .skp formats. Home Designer Pro can also import 3D .dxf files.
Most objects you add to your plan by default are placed on the floor. In this article we will show you how to move these objects to a shelf or counter top.
If you are having trouble with your internet connection, or cannot download the entire Core Catalog, you can import the catalogs from the installation DVD or USB flash drive by following the instructions listed in this article.
Library catalogs are available for download from our 3D Library website. There are catalogs available for multiple program titles and versions, but you should only install catalogs designed for your version.
Select Library> Install Core Content to restart the core catalog download if it has been interrupted or failed. If the process continually fails, check your network proxy or firewall settings.
Library catalog download failures are usually caused by settings in your Mac firewall.
Follow the steps on this page to download the Home Designer Pro core catalog files to your computer, then copy them to their respective locations.
Follow the steps on this page to download the Home Designer Architectural core catalog files to your computer, then copy them to their respective locations.
Follow the steps on this page to download the Home Designer Interiors core catalog files to your computer, then copy them to their respective locations.
Follow the steps on this page to download the Home Designer Suite core catalog files to your computer, then copy them to their respective locations.
Follow the steps on this page to download the Home Designer Essentials core catalog files to your computer, then copy them to their respective locations.
The User Catalog is a folder in the Library Browser that you can add objects to. This can be helpful if you use a specific library object frequently or if you have created a custom object that you would like to save for future use.
Core, Bonus, and Manufacturer Libraries, along with your User Library can all be moved to a custom location in Chief Architect Premier, Chief Architect Interiors, and Home Designer Pro.
This message may appear if a newer version of the catalog is not available, the catalog has been retired, or an ID conflict has occurred.
Advanced Search allows you to refine your Library Browser search results by creating library filters for temporary or repeated use.
If you receive this message when attempting to download or update library content, you may need to install an up-to-date Self Signed Certificate from Amazon Trust Services.