Home Designer comes with many tools to help you design an HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) system for your home.
Missing data from DWG or DXF imports can be a result of version compatibility issues, content that is located in model space vs paper space, external referenced files, and more.
Turn on angle snaps if your walls or lines are crooked or jagged.
Convert a closed polyline into a terrain perimeter by using the Convert Polyline dialog in Home Designer Pro.
Create a CAD detail by using the backclipped cross section tool then enhancing the view using text, CAD lines and polylines with fill styles.
Surveyor data for a plot plan can be used to create an accurate terrain or plot plan detail for your project.
There are two methods to show demolition walls in a plan: using CAD polylines and using the Wall Hatching tool.
Using the Import Drawing Assistant, you can import 2D CAD or terrain/elevation information from a DWG or DXF file.