Adding Moldings to Roof Planes in Home Designer Pro

Reference Number: KB-00414
Last Modified: March 15, 2024

The information in this article applies to:

Home Designer Professional


In my area, we frequently add colonial molding to the edges of roof planes. How can I add molding to my roof planes in Home Designer Pro? 

Building with molding applied to roof planes


Roof planes don't allow for moldings to be generated along a particular edge. Instead, an object such as a soffit will need to be used. In this article, we will discuss how to remove gutters, add soffits, and apply a molding profile to soffits.

Moldings can't be applied to sloped soffits. The process mentioned in this article is intended to be used for soffits that will be placed along level, plumb cut eaves.

To add moldings to roof planes

  1. In your plan, navigate to Build> Roof> Build Roof  from the menu.

  2. In the Build Roof dialog that displays:

    Options panel of the Build Roof dialog

    • On the Options panel, uncheck the Gutter box.

      Note: The display of gutters can also be controlled on a per roof plane basis. Instead of opening the Build Roof dialog, open one or more individual roof planes up to specification, access the Options panel, and uncheck the Gutter box.

    • On the Roof panel, check either the Build Roof Planes or Auto Rebuild Roofs box.

    • Click OK to confirm the change and close the dialog.

  3. Select Build> Cabinet> Soffit  , then click in your plan to place it.

  4. Using the Select Objects  tool, select the newly placed soffit, then click on the Open Object  edit tool.

  5. In the Soffit Specification dialog that displays:

    General panel of the Soffit Specification dialog

    • On the General panel, set the appropriate Width, Height, Depth, and Floor to Top/Bottom.

    • On the Moldings panel, click the Add New button to display the Select Library Object dialog, navigate to the appropriate molding you would like to use, select it, then click OK to return to the Soffit Specification dialog.

      Moldings panel of the Soffit Specification dialog

    • Modify the molding's Width and Height, if desired.

    • On the Materials panel, specify an appropriate material for the molding and/or soffit.

    • Click OK to confirm the changes and close the dialog.

  6. Using the Select Objects  tool, select the soffit and use its edit handles to move or resize it as needed so it it matches the length of the roof plan.

  7. You can now Copy  this soffit to other roof planes, as needed.