Message: The symbol you are trying to place was designed to be placed into the front of a cabinet

Reference Number: KB-00288
Last Modified: July 23, 2021

The information in this article appliesto:

Home Designer Professional or Home Designer Architectural or HomeDesigner Suite


While adding a dishwasher, trash compactor, or other fixture or appliance to a Home Designer plan, this message is received:
"The symbol you are trying to place was designed to be placed into the front of a cabinet but you did not select an appropriate cabinet. Would you like to place the symbol as a free standing object?"


This error message occurs when an attempt is made to add a fixture to a plan without first adding a cabinet to the plan. Certain fixture types, before they can be added to a plan, require the addition of a cabinet to the plan. The procedure to add these types of fixtures is described in this article.

To place a fixture or appliance

  1. From the menu select Build> Cabinet> Base Cabinet .

  2. Click the location on the Plan view where the fixture will be placed.

  3. Click the Select Objects arrow tool.

  4. Click the cabinet to select it.

  5. Click and drag the edit handles surrounding the cabinet. These will allow you to position or resize the cabinet as desired. Enlarge the cabinet to accommodate the fixture of your choice. For this example, we will be using a sink.

  6. From the menu select Library> Library Browser . The Library Browser window will open.

  7. Navigate to Architectural> Fixtures> Sinks> Kitchen Sinks> Self-Rimming.


    • A list of sinks will display below. Select one at a time to see the preview.

  8. Once you have selected the item click on the cabinet in your plan to place it.

    Note: In Home Designer version 10 software programs you may need to click once to download the selected item, then again to place it.

  9. Click in the middle of the cabinet. The fixture will now display on the plan as it has been placed in the cabinet.